outubro 2019

28 de outubro de 2019

COMBATE – Kleydson Rodrigues bate Eduardo Chapolin e conquista cinturão peso-mosca no Jungle Fight 97

Link: https://sportv.globo.com/site/combate/noticia/kleydson-rodrigues-vence-eduardo-chapolin-e-conquista-cinturao-peso-mosca-no-jungle-fight-97.ghtml Crypto and Banking We recommend the following high-quality options for secure Bitcoin transactions and online banking services: BTC […]
27 de outubro de 2019

RedeTV – Em noite com 11 nocautes, Kleydson fatura cinturão no Jungle Fight no DAZN 97

Link: https://www4.redetv.uol.com.br/blog/faixapreta/em-noite-com-11-nocautes-kleydson-fatura-cinturao-no-jungle-fight-no-dazn-97/ Crypto and Banking We recommend the following high-quality options for secure Bitcoin transactions and online banking services: BTC […]
27 de outubro de 2019

Gazeta Online – Título de Kleydson e 11 nocautes agitam o Jungle Fight no DAZN 97

Link: https://www.gazetaonline.com.br/esportes/lutas/2019/10/titulo-kleydson-nocautes-agitam-jungle-fight-dazn-102523890.html Crypto and Banking We recommend the following high-quality options for secure Bitcoin transactions and online banking services: BTC […]
27 de outubro de 2019

AgFight – Kleydson Rodrigues finaliza e garante cinturão peso-mosca do Jungle Fight

Link: https://agfight.com.br/kleydson-rodrigues-finaliza-e-garante-cinturao-peso-mosca-do-jungle-fight/ Crypto and Banking We recommend the following high-quality options for secure Bitcoin transactions and online banking services: BTC […]